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leash up

train your dog with camp shake-a-paw

Our one-on-one training programs are tailored to address your's and your pup's specific needs. This customized approach helps gives you the tools to be a confident pet parent. 

expert trainers

Our experienced trainer is dedicated to helping your dog reach their full potential.

positive reinforcement

We use positive reinforcement techniques to create a happy and well-behaved dog.

Bark Ranger with two dogs



Jumping, nipping, listening, door greetings, and more. Your dog should be respectful of you and your space.


Let's learn our cues! We can learn 'Sit', 'Lay Down', and anything else you want your pup to know.


On leash or off leash, when you give your cue you should have confidence your pup will return.


Walking your dog shouldn't be a chore. Let's help them pull no more and get back to enjoying our walks!


Puppy training, socialization, on-leash reactivity, and more! 


All sessions are Private one-on-one training to help you directly meet your pup's training needs!

Sessions are one hour in length and pricing does not include tax.

Single Session - $120.00 plus tax
Camp 3 pack
Travel Fee - $20.00 plus tax, for every in-home training session, this fee is dismissed if you are less than 5 minutes from our facility

In order to purchase you must be admitted into our training program by filling out a Training Inquiry Form.

The heat leader

our tried-and-true leash training tool

Our Heat Leader Head Collar is the best in the game. Custom made to have a soft padded nose band - your dog's snout won't get irritated! Pair that with its mobility rings and you've got yourself a comfortable walk for both you and your dog. 


with a 3 pack training package

If you are interested in leash training with us, we will need your pup in a Heat Leader or similar head collar.

Dog sitting wearing HEAT Leader



Camp Shake-A-Paw offers balanced training to set up clear communication techniques between you and your pup.


Training operates Monday - Friday with flexible hours to best suit your schedule. Training sessions are an hour in length..


Training takes place either at our training facility at 3023 Westdel Bourne (London) or in-home to clients in London. 


Your training with Camp Shake-A-Paw is private. You, your pup, and our trainer will work together to create a plan to best suit your needs.


Camp Shake-A-Paw has transformed the lives of hundreds of dog owners. Let us show you how we Make Sit Happen.

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